Our commitments
> We strive to be carbon neutral as a company, constantly looking at ways to lower carbon emissions as a business.
> We are supporting organisations acting on the climate change emergency; financially, with pro bono professional work and through volunteering for charities or communities protecting the environment and all living creatures. Our current chosen charities are the Client Earth, Charity: Water, MicroLoan and the Woodland Trust.
> We take responsibility for constantly increasing the sustainability of all our work, influencing all our stakeholders & suppliers and incorporating the ecological dimension at the heart of everything we do.
> We continuously keep informed, research and share ways in which we can all reduce our impact on our environment and better respond to the climate crisis through coaching and personal actions (eg. Carbon Literate certification from the Carbon Literacy Project)
> We monitor our carbon footprint and offset our carbon emissions through financial contribution to sustainable woodland projects.
Our focus
Energy & Resources
Our office energy suppliers are using 100% renewable energy sources
Electricity partially supplied by solar panels
All light bulbs are LED
Monitoring heating
Printing is carefully considered
Emails and data storage are regularly monitored trying to optimise both.
Food and waste management
Recycling of all possible waste in line with local authority services (eg paper, cardboard, wrapping, ink cartridges)
Composting all plant based food
No use of single use plastic unless unavoidable in favour of reusable or biodegradable alternatives (eg cup/glasses, stirrers, no straws, etc…)
Reducing paper usage by sharing information using preferably links on internet or when necessary attachments or double sided printing
Use of public transport for commuting wherever possible
Online communication wherever possible to avoid travelling (webinars, video conferencing, telephone)
Avoiding air travel wherever possible
Contribution to the Woodland Trust or woodland conservation programmes will be made to offset any necessary travel
We will group international travel whenever possible
Catering at Stellar events
Purchasing ethically sourced products and local sourcing
All events to offer a mix of options including vegetarian and vegan options
Ensuring with suppliers that food is not over catered and that left-over food is either reused by venue, taken home and consumed by participants or donated to worthy causes
Consider using more in season ingredients to lower food miles
Wherever possible, requesting organic products from sustainable suppliers - might impact the choice of caterer
Working with other suppliers
For our business partners such as banking, accounting and insurance, we will use providers who demonstrate their ethical commitment
We work with businesses who put people and long term sustainability at the heart of their business rather than short term profit
We use green energy suppliers
Commitments to all our clients
It is our belief that a holistic and systemic approach creates the best result for our clients. To that effect, all new clients contracts will include a commitment to consider 3 levels of action in our work together - Self, others and the wider environment.
In all on-boarding material we will include our commitment and a
All new discovery sessions will include exploring “how our work together will attend to the ‘more-than-human’ world of the ecology and the challenges of the climate crisis.”
We will offer reduced fees to clients with an actionable plan to become carbon neutral by 2025
Where appropriate we will calculate our carbon off-setting charges and add them clearly to our clients’ fees
Below are ways in which clients can help during our work together
Partners, memberships & supported organisations
We are members of the Climate Coaching Alliance.
We support Sustainable St Albans and sponsor Sust Fest every year.
We are part of Plastic Free St Albans committee working with St Albans council, businesses, schools and communities to reduce and ultimately eliminate all unnecessary single use plastic locally
Some ways to contribute when you work with us and in your daily life
1- Use the most eco-friendly travel methods possible to join us
2- Invest in re-usables
3- Consider one action you can take to reduce your carbon footprint
4- Switch to green suppliers wherever possible
5- Do a plastic audit in your business and/or home and find ways to reduce your plastic footprint
6- Eat less animal based products
7- Research the impact of deforestation and how you can help
8- Supporting women education and empowerment are impactful levers so research and get creative around ways for you to play your part within your sphere of influence.
We can all do something so no matter how big or small it may seem, let’s do it. Every action counts!