Thoughts about Gratitude

When it first became more popular as a concept and gratitude journals started to multiply everywhere, I have to be honest, I failed to grasp the true potential of the concept.

At the time I was busy, very busy. My schedule, my mind and my heart were actually overwhelmed and numbed by the amount of plates I was juggling. At the time I was dreaming of slowing down, taking a break from some of my responsibilities as I couldn't connect to the deeper meaning of most of them.

 What I couldn't actually connect with was myself. I had lost sense of my inner self, what I care about, what makes me unique but I had also disconnected with my environment, my world.

So, I was making everything else wrong as a rational explanation for my lack of connection. Sure, there was a lot that could have been better in all the aspects of my life but I forgot that there was a different place that I could be looking at for the answers, a place closer to home – inside myself.

 The more I looked inside and started to appreciate again the incredible beauty that we have in ourselves, the more I started to see it outside of me, in the world and in nature all around me.

As they say, ‘what you focus on expands’. Taking moments to appreciate the simple beauty of life expanded that beauty. As mundane as it could seem, when focusing on them and their journey, a bud sprouting, a flower blooming, a bird singing became colourful notes of nature at its best. Each day, they helped to find transform very distant sounds into resonant vibrations that to this day provide joy and fulfilment.     

The gift with gratitude is that it is abundant and infinite. There is no right or wrong way to feel thankful and appreciate whatever the universe is providing for us. It can be performed as a daily routine for some, a spontaneous act for others. It can be a prayer, a song, a poem that generate emotions that nourish your soul and your heart. It can even be to remember to approach each morning as a precious gift to experience more of what life has to offer, a an opportunity to begin the day anew and savour different flavours, meet new people, open up new possibilities.

Whatever it means and however we practice gratitude, it feels that the more we realise how much is right and good in the world, the more we manifest it in our present and future. I know I am grateful for all that was, all that is and all that will be in my life.  

When I looked up 'Stellar' in the dictionary

Today I'd like to share the beauty that can come out of an urge to create a connection, whatever form it might take.  

Recently I was inspired by a picture from a friend's road trip, it inspired me to challenge their 13 Year old daughter who had taken the picture to take a photograph that represents the word 'Stellar' and explain to me why.

I somehow knew that this was going to be a interesting experience for both of us, I just wasn't sure how. It turned out both her picture and her words were beautifully simple, inspiring and powerful at the same time. So next time you feel the urge to do something, go for it and see what magic you can create. 

These are her words and her photograph sits proudly at the top of this page. Well Done Amy! You are an inspiring, bright Star. 


'When I looked up stellar in the dictionary, one definition really stood out for me: stellar – like a star, as in brilliance. There are two other words for me, that are synonyms for stellar, which really sum up the image – outstanding and heavenly.  Stellar also refers to the stars. The stars have always been a source of amazement for me and every time I look at my picture I feel the same awe as when I look at the stars.

This photo was taken recently in Norway where we traveled as a family to the Arctic Circle in our all electric Tesla Model S. But I nearly didn’t get to take the photo. Before we had even left, I was fearful, thinking that we couldn’t drive to Norway in winter. But whilst those thoughts were still there I, and we, chose to go to Norway. Thanks to that choice and this photo (retweeted over 2000 times) we inspired people in England and native Norwegians to explore Norway in their Teslas. People in other countries were also inspired to go on road trips. So for me stellar also means being a leader and inspiring others.'  By Amy Gilmore.


Book choice - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Dive into the mysterious world a Spanish shepherd and discover how you can make your dreams come true. Through the journey of a young man, bold enough to trust in the universe and himself to find his treasure, we are gently inspired to read the signs and follow our heart. 

So next time you find yourself unsure about your destiny, look for the signs and trust your gutt-feel; they will guide you on your journey to your treasure!

Bouche a Oreille - Radio show

On a dark and cold winter's night, I found myself in the company of the deliciously french Aline & Elise and the next thing I know, my nose is close to a mic when suddenly the lights go on - we're on the air! Before I know it 20 minutes have gone by, chatting with them and finding out about what it's like from the the other with Cecile recounting her experience of being coached. 

Thank you to the great 'Bouche a Oreille' team at Radio Verulam for a great experience talking about my passion for coaching. Always a pleasure and I might even be getting into radio shows...

A very special 'merci' to Cecile for joining us from Germany too and sharing this experience with me so that we can show both sides of the the coaching relationship.

Click here to listen to the podcast