Stellar Ripples
Every drop creates a ripple. Thanks to you we are committed to creating many ripples.
You know the concept - Do something for someone that will make a difference in their life without expecting anything in return.
We also believe that coaching is something that can benefit anyone and we want to help make coaching more accessible to everyone. This is the “why” behind starting the Stellar Pay It Forward Fund.
This is where you come in! By investing in yourself, you’re also helping making coaching more accessible and giving back to the wider society.
For every coaching package purchased, a coaching session will be added to our Pay It Forward fund to be offered as pro-bono sessions to people who would otherwise not have access to coaching.
You can suggest a specific charity or person that you’d like to nominate or we’ll do it for you!
Charity: Water
We love water. We love drinking it, we love swimming in it and we are grateful to know that we can have access easy and unlimited access to safe and clean water.
We’re also very aware that this is not the case for many.
So we decided to start a campaign to raise money to support this amasing charity providing clean water to people in need of it.
In addition, for every new client, private or business, we will make a donation to our fund raising campaign.
If you want to find out more how or make a donation, click here
Client Earth
One of the most ancient indigenous practice is to make decision with the next 7 generations in mind.
This is the reason why we support Client Earth as our ongoing partner, making on-going monthly donations.
They are an environmental organisation leveraging their legal expertise, working tirelessly to bring positive changes to benefit all life on earth.
The name Client Earth says it all!
Find out more about Client Earth here
MicroLoan Foundation
UN’s SDG highlight time and time again the importance of women empowerment and education as an important keystone.
MicroLoan provide support to women in Africa to give them the tools to get themselves out of poverty. Best yet, many of these women create partnerships in their areas that support not just their families but the wider community.
We are proud to support some fundraising events such as their Coach-athon.
Click here for more info on how they do it.